A Green Education to Change the World (Multi-Lesson Course)

Activities & Lessons


Social Justice & Student Voice



4 days.

Prepared for Conference to Restore Humanity! 2023 by David Hill

August 2023

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A multi-lesson course on creating a social impact through STEM.

video overview

overview & purpose

Explore the Intersection of STEM and Culture: This course illuminates the synergy between STEM principles and culturally responsive teaching, providing educators with impactful strategies and engaging video resources to connect students with tangible, culturally relevant applications of STEM in their lives.

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educator notes

This entire course is posted via an interactive Notion page.

lesson / activity

Part 1: The Power of STEM Education

Part 2: Nurturing Creativity and Innovation in STEM

Part 3: Embracing Diversity in STEM

Part 4: Social Impact through STEM

Part 5: Action Planning & Reflection

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