Telling Powerful Stories of Learning w/ Aaron Schorn (Unrulr)

July 1, 2023
How can we leverage technology to share stories of student learning?

Today we’re joined by Aaron Schorn, Head of Growth and Community at Unrulr. Aaron is an experienced educator who runs an afterschool social entrepreneurship program for young people. And recently, he introduced Unrulr to us at HRP — in short, it’s one of the only edtech tools we’ve ever recommended, and it’s one of the few edtech tools we’d be comfortable sharing on our podcast.

In short, Unrulr is a storytelling tool to showcase learning. It allows young people and educators to take photos or videos of what they’re doing, tag it according to a value, standard, or objective, then share it online privately or publicly. And what really stood out to me was that students can document their journey overtime, creating posts where they group together these moments and showcase a timeline of learning. We see this as a fantastic tool to document learning, share to families and community members, and act as a way to move away from one-and-done grades and toward narrative assessment.

*We did want to mention that HRP is a promotional partner of Unrulr, and we do have an incentive for people to mention our name when signing up for Unrulr. That said, we would happily recommend the product even without that endorsement.


Aaron Schorn, Head of Growth and Community at Unrulr and Director of the Nalukai Startup Camp, a social entrepreneurship program for young people based in Hawaii


Unrulr's Website

Empathy "Journey"

And provided by teacher Gary Heidt (who shout-out...introduced us to Unrulr!)

Student "Journey"

Student "Moment"

A YouTube icon.

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