
Cost-Benefit Analysis

Create a cost-benefit analysis for another decision you face in life now or in the future. Alternatively, create a cost of living analysis of the community in which you live.


Taking time to decompress is a vital part of accomplishing goals. Although it may seem counterintuitive, knowing how to relax is just as important as working toward a goal. Work with peers to start a program focused on mindfulness, socializing, and meeting up together for fun activities.

Historical Biases

Look at historical examples of perspectives and biases across major world events (e.g., Charge of the Light Brigade, Sinking of the Lusitania, End of Apartheid, American Civil War, etc.)

In-Depth Interviews

Seek out in-depth interviews with your friends and peers over a concept or idea you have for an invention, company, or community proposal. With permission, record the conversations and compare how many of them feel about the idea. Create documentation on how you’ve adjusted your concept over time as a result of peer feedback.

Mathematics and Age

Check out excerpts of The Mathematical Essence of Aging from Theoretically Speaking. Think about how much mathematics is intertwined with the way we live every single day. Why does this knowledge matter?

Mediums of Art

Consider systems through mediums: how can art display itself in a variety of mechanisms: through illustration, digital design, music, video, dance, and more. How can the same concept be portrayed in these styles, and what impact does each style have? Are there advantages and disadvantages in each medium?

Hostile Architecture

Examine ways in which hostile architecture is harmful to everyone based on where you live. In many cases, this would be a local metro area with a larger population.

Beyond Scientific "Canon"

When most learners think of science, they consider people like Charles Darwin or Albert Einstein. In most curriculums, the specific people we focus on learning about are from Western countries (e.g. the United Kingdom, France, and USA) and male.

Highlight the contributions of female scientists and non-Western thinkers. Who are they?

Industrialization and Factory Impact

Explore and assess the impact of fast fashion production on the communities and cultures in developing nations where production is concentrated (eg., Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Turkey, etc.) .

How does production disrupt traditional cultures and ways of living? How does production connect developing nations to global markets? In what ways are these connections positive and negative for the people and communities in these areas?

What should we know?

Do you think there’s something that everyone should learn about? Prepare a formal proposal for changing your school’s curriculum and present it to building leaders.

Breaking Bubbles

How do we break our perspective’s “bubble”? Assign a reading with reflection that goes against one’s opinion or preconceived notions. Of course, students may not change their mind — but challenging their perspective allows them to grow their ideas and consider new possibilities.

Knowing and Understanding the World

“Tenacity” is often cited as a way of knowing defined by tradition: something is true because it has always been considered true. Authority and intuition are also cited as ways of knowing. What makes science stand out in its foundations, methods, and criteria from other ways of knowing and understanding the world?

Rote Memorization

Practice problems are an ongoing practice in learning mathematics that requires a tremendous amount of grit. Perhaps more than any other subject, math traditionally requires an ample amount of rote memorization.

However, there are those that argue that this rote memorization (such as times tables) aren’t needed with the existence of calculators. Hold a debate that examines this argument.


What does it mean to be “creative”? Many people describe themselves as “not being a creative” person, but there’s much more to this idea than simply drawing. Have students deconstruct the term, showcasing how “creativity” is utilized in everything from art to accounting, as well as in various cultures and contexts.

Jigsaw: Open Societies

Investigate this task force by Google which is exploring threats to open societies, focusing on how technology can lead to a safer Internet and world.

Shoe Manufacturing

Focus on athletic wear and/or shoe manufacturers. Using a similar methodology to this lesson, consider sports and individual training. What impact may this have on one’s health (both from wearing the clothes as well as the environmental impact)?

Alternatively, examine a specific sport (football, basketball, volleyball, track & field,etc.), examining the labor practices of manufacturing its products (e.g. a football, uniforms, shoes, field products).

Historical Inventions

Connect the ideas in the lesson below to historical inventions. What would a pitch look like for various historical novels: such as the printing press, telephone, or radar? Would all constituents be for their use? Who would be for and against these ideas? Were they accepted during their time?

Rorshach Test

The Rorschach Test is one of the most easily recognized assessments of the subconscious throughout pop-culture. But how should it be used and its results understood? Is it science or pseudoscience, how would we know?

Capturing Voice

Use different media - video essays, works of fiction, poetry, graphic novel memoirs, etc. - to analyze how people capture their “voice” and express their personalities. What makes that voice unique and different from someone else?


Use the Credibility Game as a starting point or design your own quiz game to help students understand and evaluate reliable, credible sources.

Focus Groups

Coordinate and host a focus group session in your community over a topic, such as something involving your school or an initiative you’d like to see happen. Gain permission and record the conversation, analyzing what people have said and making a policy proposal incorporating their perspectives.

Walkable Cities

Analyze the impact of walkable cities on where one chooses to live. How much of a health difference does it make to work in an area where you can walk and commute to work? To the places you want to go? What about access to public transportation?

Familial Contexts

Partner up with another family and analyze each other’s lifestyle. Learn about what they do everyday, their family traditions, and what they enjoy doing. Compare and contrast how this differs from your own. If time, expand this analysis to other families to showcase and celebrate the differences of your classroom community.

Artistic Judgment

Art is an intimidating subject for many students. Demonstrate how artists have been judged and rejected over the years, despite being fundamental to their field.

Voting Age

In many countries around the world the minimum voting age is between 16-18. But is that minimum voting age fair, should it be raised or lowered? What are the arguments for or against raising or lowering the minimum voting age? What would be the benefits or the costs? What about society would look different as a result?

Western Mathematics

This is a powerful article from mathematics educator and author Sunil Singh on the Western narrative entrenched in mathematics education. Whose cultural narrative is the narrative of mathematics? Why do more children know about Newton than, say, Brahmagupta?

Business Pitch

Have a business or invention idea? Prepare a formal presentation for your product or service. Utilize the concepts presented here, as well as other resources on presentation skills, to make a pitch deck on your idea.

The Politics of Language

Think about the politics of language. For example, look at Bill 96, which passed in Quebec, Canada, making French the official language and lessening the extent to which English services are provided (in an area that has a sizable English-speaking population). At what point should provinces and nations be able to officially adopt a language? Is it fair to restrict language? Likewise, is there a danger in not restricting languages?

Pitching to Galleries

Read about how artists pitch their work to galleries. Consider: is it important for artists to have public speaking skills to present their ideas? Why would it matter, if at all, to display your work in a public setting like a gallery? And, is it possible for our current works to be in a gallery right now?

Amplifying Student Voice

Student Voice is an organization that amplifies student perspectives to change the education system and the world. Read, listen, and analyze one or more of the pieces of student journalism from their website. What are these student journalists focused on? What does their perspective add to the coverage of important topics and events? How can we help amplify student voice in similar ways?

Cross Influence of Math + Science

The way mathematics was applied to study these different concepts was often used to advance science, specifically exploring the Earth. Demonstrate how different mathematical inquiries led to scientific breakthroughs in astronomy, cartography, and oceanography.


Find an adult mentor, role model, or someone you look up to and talk to them about how they demonstrate tenacity. Ask them to take the Grit Scale quiz (see below) and discuss their own barriers to grittiness.