Let's restore humanity to education

Start the new school year with a human-centered approach to education, where centering love and cultivating empathetic connections take precedence in shaping a brighter future. See the following resources to get started on your journey to changing school.


What makes a human-centered education different? Start here!


Looking to incorporate these changes? Want to try or refine your practice this school year? Check out our resources — we intentionally design our content for public school teachers with multiple preps and large class sizes.

  • Ungrading Handbook
    Our guide to lessening the negative impact of grades and creating a more holistic model for assessment. We see ungrading as a way to simultaneously improve student achievement and social-emotional health.
  • AI Handbook
    Our guide to navigating the introduction of large language models (ChatGPT) through critical literacy skills.
  • Interdisciplinary Curriculum
    A 600+ page resource containing over 40 interdisciplinary lessons aimed at a middle school audience. This curriculum is modular and designed to be incorporated across multiple subject areas, acting as a jumping off point to more in-depth discussions and projects.
  • Conference Learning Tracks
    Our conference invites learning design experts to craft self-paced courses, all of which are available for free, including everything from designing for neurodivergence to disrupting discriminatory linguistics to game-based pedagogies.
A circular wheel outlining Human Restoration Project's actions toward systemic change, including foundational relevance, social justice, ending dehumanization, and love, care, and respect.

Dive Deeper

We offer in-depth resources for progressive educators looking for meaningful, imaginative learning. Here's a small selection:

...and more (for everyone, not just educators!)

How can I join the community?

Rethinking the systems of education will require an entire community advocating for change. We'd love to have you involved! Follow us on social media (@HumResPro) and join our Discord.

Why so "science fiction"?

HRP's aesthetic embraces a radical imagination, recognizing that a just future starts by envisioning a better world. Watch this video for our take on a "solarpunk" education.

How can I support this work?

We greatly appreciate any/all support we receive to continue this important work. Nearly all of our resources are free, and donations keep us going! Support us (and learn about how we use these funds)! Plus, there's many other ways to get involved...

Let's partner to change schools!

Human Restoration Project (HRP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization informing, guiding, and growing a movement toward a progressive, human-centered education system. We are bringing to light what we’ve all seemed to forget: our students, our educators - they are human beings. We intend to restore that lost humanity - having administrators, educators, and students remind themselves, and engage with, their purpose and dreams.

HRP is founded and operated by two former public school teachers: Nick Covington and Chris McNutt, who implemented changes like these into their "typical" American classrooms. We believe that the best educational resources shouldn't be behind a paywall, and therefore we release nearly all of our content under a Creative Commons license. We're bringing together a community who are reimagining and implementing change.

We partner with schools to listen to students, create systemic plans for action, and redesign what's possible in education. Click here to learn all about Human Restoration Project and the work we do in schools.

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Headshot of Chris and Nick at HRP.

pd testimonials

I really enjoyed this PD, and truly hope you guys can continue working with our district. Thank you for being inspiring.

This organization has tapped into the original  “why” of many educators that is often lost or overshadowed by unfair or unrealistic expectations placed on our public schools.

Your group has articulated these things that I instinctually know but have lost in all my PD/ College Board years of training.  I’m 25 years into this gig.  Glad I can reacquaint myself with what originally got me into teaching and finish my career ethically whole.

Since sharing the HRP with members of our staff, we've seen an increase in interest to explore topics such as ungrading, project-based learning, and creating equitable learning environments. Being a district that serves over 75% Title I eligible learners, these topics are incredible important for us to consider, and the HRP provides an onramp to consider the implications of the choices we make with or for our learners. Just last week, I shared the ungrading links with our Elementary School Improvement team, who asked to explore grading practices. Having the research put together in accessible ways, and high-quality podcasts available to extend learning are invaluable for our growth as a district.

My whole life I've felt alone, caring about children and providing education that is exciting for children. Even as a child I was disappointed that other children didnt love school, but as i got higher in grades I realized why, school work got more repetitive and less immersive. HRP has shown me that there are many educators out there who also care about all children and want them to learn and grow, not just as "productive workers" but as critically thinking curious excited creators and caretakers. HRP empowers me to fight for children's rights.

Human Restoration Project is doing some incredible work advocating for progressive education practices and giving educators the information and tools they need to do their own advocacy work on behalf of themselves and their students. The organization provides a wealth of excellent materials that empower us to ask the question "what if we did better?"