Interdisciplinary project database

Poetic Aesthetic

Communicating through the written word is linguistically beautiful, but often heavily focused on the aesthetics of laying out and formatting type. Examine how typography and layout are used to convey poetry. For example, Harlem by Langston Hughes indents after the first line, or [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] by e.e. cummings, which features all lowercase letters, heavy indentation, and a lack of traditional spacing.


“You can't understand someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.”

Using this quotation as a starting point and sample questions from resources like this from CAMBIAR Education, develop and conduct an empathy interview to better understand your peers. Expand the empathy interview to any group that might be relevant or interesting!

Faith and Diet

Consider the impact of diet and healthy lifestyle decisions within the context of faith: noting how different faiths have various regulations on how they consume meat, seafood, and vegetables. What impact does this have on one’s lifestyle? Why are these cultures different?

Overcoming the "Starving Artist"

Oftentimes, artists are their worst critic, and keeping hope as an artist is especially difficult. Check out this article on overcoming the myth of the “starving artist”, which argues that modern day artists thrive and earn livable wages in stable careers.

Jigsaw: Open Societies

Investigate this task force by Google which is exploring threats to open societies, focusing on how technology can lead to a safer Internet and world.

Analyzing World Hunger

Analyze charts and other data to recognize how we can go about feeding the world by 2050 (as our population exponentially increases). Think about what steps young people can take to ensure that these changes happen.


Learn about how body language presents itself for autistic people. Consider how this information differs from what was presented in the lesson below. How can we use this information to inform others about neurodiversity? How does this challenge our assumptions? 

Identify a Wicked Problem

Identify a "wicked problem" (a problem that seems impossible to solve) in the world and the various contexts, communities, and perspectives that exist around the topic. Show a diagram of how complicated this issue is, highlighting solutions that minimize potential damages.

Modifying Trading Card Games

Let students brainstorm issues in their community, then analyze the game played in the lesson below. How could it be modified, improved, and transformed? Write new instructions and explain to each other how to play, including the new issues as additional cards.

Examining Death

Examine how different cultures deal with the idea of death. Do cultural differences change their opinion of expanding the science of age reversal and expansion? What about in other scientific inquiries? At what point does culture outweigh the need for scientific advancement?

Open-Ended Questions

Creativity isn’t only reserved for the humanities! Open-ended questions make students think outside of the box about problems. Develop yourself, and/or have students develop, open-ended questions that require math to solve. Instead of providing a solution, encourage students to use their imaginations in various solutions to each problem.

Historical Tenacity

Find examples of individuals and groups throughout history or the present, from your country or elsewhere, who exhibited tenacity and grit. Which criteria of grit do they exhibit? How did they overcome barriers to success? How did they persevere through adversity to accomplish a goal?

Counteracting Stereotypes

Learn about how art can be used to intentionally break apart stereotypes. Music, dance, and traditional art all have the power to counteract stereotypes and make people think abstractly and critically about a multitude of issues.

Industrialization and Factory Impact

Explore and assess the impact of fast fashion production on the communities and cultures in developing nations where production is concentrated (eg., Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Turkey, etc.) .

How does production disrupt traditional cultures and ways of living? How does production connect developing nations to global markets? In what ways are these connections positive and negative for the people and communities in these areas?

Small to Big

Making a difference starts by taking initiative. Consider the positive impact of even the most minor actions. By yourself or with a group of like-minded peers, identify a community need and begin a service action campaign, such as picking up litter at a local park or helping a local food bank. Help others join this initiative with you by offering on-ramps to easily team up!

Social Media Advertising

Using your knowledge of the algorithm, research how these concepts could be used to advertise a business or nonprofit. Partner with a local organization, offering to manage their social media, developing a content and branding strategy to increase engagement.

Green Space

Perform additional research about green spaces, third spaces, and other forms of city planning. Dive into a deep analysis of your community and see what types of spaces are available. What changes could be made? Prepare a full blueprint or model and present it to local stakeholders.

City Math

Read and discuss Life in the City Is Essentially One Giant Math Problem from the Smithsonian. Consider: what math problems must we solve in order to successfully design a city? Have students brainstorm these problems, then consider what their expressions and solutions may look like.

Controversial Experimentation

Learn about the story of the teacher, Jane Elliot, who conducted a controversial elementary school experiment where she favored students with certain hair colors over others (and documented how the students responded).

The Law and Graffiti

Learn about how governments crack down on subversive art and examine how artists should be dealt with, after all – graffiti is an illegal activity in many areas of the world. How does this correspond to anti-social forms of graffiti, such as gang tagging?

"Perfect" Language

Analyze what the “perfect” form of your language is. Why is it perceived this way? What does it mean? Where is it found? What is its history?

Understanding Hearing Loss

Nearly 430 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, making speech and the spoken word difficult to access for about 5% of the global population. There are numerous sign-language alphabets, research which one is used primarily in your community and learn to communicate the basics to improve your ability to interact with deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Alternatively, you can start a sign-language club to encourage others to pick up the language!

History of Shifting Goals

It is important to make plans, but various events will cause us to shift our goals. For example, activist and President of South Africa Nelson Mandela studied English, anthropology, politics, "native administration", Roman Dutch law, and was actively involved in ballroom dancing.

Look at various famous leaders, professionals, and activists throughout your country’s history. What was their upbringing? What did they do in school? If they attended higher education, what did they major in? Ultimately, how does this all compare to what they did historically?

Rorshach Test

The Rorschach Test is one of the most easily recognized assessments of the subconscious throughout pop-culture. But how should it be used and its results understood? Is it science or pseudoscience, how would we know?


Examine mythology and folklore of various ancient religions. Identify the morals of various stories, dissecting why these stories were written and the goals the authors had for their work.

Confirmation Bias

What is Confirmation Bias? How does it influence the way we perceive and accommodate new information that contradicts our pre-existing beliefs? What are examples of Confirmation Bias in modern life and the history of science?

Surveillance and Propaganda

Find examples of propaganda, surveillance, or marketing in your neighborhood. Document how these things are used, challenging or supporting their existence.

Science of Training

How can we measure the return on investment for training in soft skills? Investments in soft skills produced significant productivity gains in addition to improved attendance and retention of employees. An interesting body of research to paraphrase for students interested in understanding the impact of working on soft skills.


Use the Credibility Game as a starting point or design your own quiz game to help students understand and evaluate reliable, credible sources.

Career Path Interview

Interview a parent/guardian/community member about their vocational/career path. What factors led to where they are today? What do they wish they had known when they were the students’ age?

Screen Readers

Many people who have difficulty seeing or reading information on computers use screen readers to browse the Internet. However, many websites are not designed properly for these screen readers to function. Learn about accessible web design. Perform an audit of your school’s (or community’s) website(s) and offer suggestions to increase accessibility.

Dream Resume

Many websites offer resume templates for different professions. Find a template for a profession you see yourself involved in and design a “dream resume” for yourself in that field. Pair this with your five-year plan to set and align short-term goals!